Travel & Leisure
Travel & Leisure
(CONTEXT) The #MyMicrogap campaign is a drive to get more young people (16-34) to holiday at home. Targeted with experiences and activities typically taken during a gap-year. Statistics showed that in 2016, 16-to-34 year olds took almost 1.4 million fewer holidays in Britain than a decade previously.
(POSITIONING) Following research by Visit England into travel habits of young Brits, only 24% of 18-34 year olds were likely to take a career break to travel in the next three years. Micro-gapping however, appealed to 64% with more than 57% likely to take a microgap during the next three years. Top activities and experiences sought were wellbeing, relaxation, visiting iconic landmarks, trying local food and drink as well as seeing nature and wildlife.
(POSITIONING) Following research by Visit England into travel habits of young Brits, only 24% of 18-34 year olds were likely to take a career break to travel in the next three years. Micro-gapping however, appealed to 64% with more than 57% likely to take a microgap during the next three years. Top activities and experiences sought were wellbeing, relaxation, visiting iconic landmarks, trying local food and drink as well as seeing nature and wildlife.
Visit Britain needed a more engaging and appealing concept to what they currently had. Creating a design system that was instantly recognisable, eye-catching and vibrant was at the forefront of the work. The design of the campaign had to ignite the passion for domestic travel in young people. I wanted the campaign to feel different to any other tourist advert, and speak directly at the level of young people. Outline typography evoked a sense of something yet to be filled or completed.
(CREDITS) The Visit Britain (Oliver) on-site team were responsible for the motion work.
(CREDITS) The Visit Britain (Oliver) on-site team were responsible for the motion work.