Design & Typography
(Personal Project)
Design & Typography
(Personal Project)
Editorial Design
Design Direction
Book Design
Design Direction
Book Design
A prestigious publication celebrating and paying homage to one of the worlds most influential type designers, Adrian Frutiger. The editorial design and the form of the book both represent and act as a visual metaphor for Frutiger. Realising a seamless transition between Frutiger’s life and work, across his free and applied art.
(POSITIONING) Before he past, Frutiger spoke about how his typefaces were seen by the world, but yet his expression as a designer comprised no words, and were private “I find no words for that which moves inside me, I simply draw it.” To truly pay homage to his life and work I knew this was something I needed to combine together.
(POSITIONING) Before he past, Frutiger spoke about how his typefaces were seen by the world, but yet his expression as a designer comprised no words, and were private “I find no words for that which moves inside me, I simply draw it.” To truly pay homage to his life and work I knew this was something I needed to combine together.
(DESIGN) The publication reads as though it was about his typefaces, what we knew about Frutiger from the surface, his work. However, sat privately between pages, realised through an unorthodox french fold, are his personal free arts. The very first time the two contrasting sides to his personality are realised in one single publication. Inspiration is also taken from other notions of his life and work, including, his Swiss background, how he always worked in black and white and used analog methods.